Understanding the grammar makes language learning easier.
Many students have done it and you can do it, too!
This course breaks down everything you need to know in a comprehensible manner. Everything is explained in English and there are plenty of examples in German with English translations.
You can watch the first video for free - scroll down to have a look at the course content and then you can get started right away!
From beginner ...
You will learn about different word types, sentence elements and structures (e.g. cases) and how to put them all together to formulate coherent sentences in German as well as questions and answers in dialogue.
... to advanced.
Your writing and speaking abilities will be expanded by using more complex structures and elements that add to the precision of your statements. This will also add more nuance to your language.
At the end of most lectures, there will be an opportunity to practice what you have learned. This is to make sure that you have understood the principles of the structures taught, and that you can use them in context.
Course Curriculum
- Course Introduction (0:56)
- Nomen (nouns) (13:55)
- Pronomen (pronouns) (3:28)
- Artikel (articles) (9:05)
- Zusammengesetzte Nomen (compound nouns) (5:10)
- Verben (verbs) (5:35)
- Vokalwechsel (vowel change) (6:09)
- Präsens (present tense) (5:04)
- Nominativ (nominative case) (8:01)
- Akkusativ (accusative case) (6:01)
- Possessivartikel im Akkusativ (possessive articles in the accusative case) (4:48)
- Pronomen im Akkusativ (pronouns in the accusative) (3:27)
- Modalverben (modal verbs) (6:23)
- Modalverben II (modal verbs II) (5:16)
- mögen & gern haben (to like) (3:14)
- Zukunft & Wünsche (future & wishes) (6:38)
- Trennbare Verben (separable verbs) (8:41)
- Dativ (dative case) (6:39)
- Pronomen im Dativ (pronouns in the dative) (4:13)
- Konjunktionen (conjunctions) (3:54)
- Direkte Objekte im Dativ (direct objects in the dative) (5:18)
- Ja/nein-Fragen (yes/no-questions) (2:21)
- Fragewörter (question words) (7:58)
- Fragen mit Dativpronomen (questions with a dative pronoun) (5:58)
- Präpositionen (prepositions) (7:39)
- Wechselpräpositionen (dual prepositions) (9:16)
- Gebräuchliche Präpositionen mit Objekt (common prepositions with object) (5:00)
- Adjektive (adjectives) (9:41)
- Deklination im Akkusativ und Dativ (declension in the accusative and dative) (5:12)
- Vergleiche (comparisons) (8:44)
- Deklinierte Komparative & Superlative (declined comparatives & superlatives) (5:27)
- Präteritum (preterite/simple past tense) (5:24)
- Modalverben im Präteritum (modal verbs in the preterite) (4:23)
- Perfekt (perfect/present perfect tense) (4:47)
- Trennbare Verben & Präfixverben im Perfekt (separable verbs and prefix verbs in the perfect tense) (7:48)
- Imperativ (imperative) (3:34)
- Ausnahmen im Imperativ (exceptions in the imperative) (4:01)
- Reflexivpronomen im Akkusativ (reflexive pronouns in the accusative) (12:53)
- Reflexivpronomen im Dativ (reflexive pronouns in the dative) (10:43)
- Reflexivpronomen im üblichen Sprachgebrauch (reflexive pronouns in common language use) (8:42)
- Verben mit Präpositionen (verbs with prepositions) (11:30)
- Jemand, niemand, etwas, nichts (someone, nobody, something, nothing) (10:28)
- Nebensätze mit 'weil' (subclauses with 'because') (9:12)
- Andere Subjunktionen (other subjunctions) (15:26)
- Zweiteilige Verben im Nebensatz (two-part verbs in the subclause) (6:53)
- kennen & wissen (to know) (8:07)
- Präteritum im üblichen Sprachgebrauch (preterite in common language use) (13:19)
- Regelmäßige & unregelmäßige Verben im Präteritum (regular and irregular verbs in the preterite) (11:43)
- Zweiteilige Verben in der Vergangenheit (two-part verbs in the past) (13:41)
- Adjektivdeklination ohne Artikel (declension of adjectives without an article) (8:37)
- Weglassen von Nomen (omitting nouns) (2:25)
- Artikel als Pronomen (articles as pronouns) (7:19)
- Welcher, welche, welches (which) (8:08)
- Präpositionalphrasen, Fragen (prepositional phrases, questions) (6:03)
- Präpositionalphrasen, Menschen & Orte (prepositional phrases, people & places) (6:44)
- Präpositionalpronomen (prepositional pronouns) (9:24)
- Genitiv (genitive case) (8:12)
- Genitiv mit Dativ ersetzen (substituting the genitive with the dative) (2:38)
- Genitivpräpositionen (prepositions with a genitive) (5:03)
- Nomendeklination (declension of nouns) (5:29)
- Nomendeklination II (declension of nouns II) (3:10)
- Der umgekehrte Genitiv (the reverse genitive) (1:38)
- Relativpronomen (relative pronouns) (8:09)
- Relativpronomen II (relative pronouns II) (7:34)
- Vorfeld (sentence order I) (9:21)
- Mittelfeld (sentence order II) (11:43)
- Satzklammer (sentence order III) (7:10)
- Nachfeld (sentence order IV) (9:26)
- Die Position von 'nicht' (the position of 'not') (6:14)
- Infinitiv mit zu I (infinitive with 'zu') (8:20)
- Infinitiv mit zu II (infinitive with 'zu' II) (9:29)
- Infinitiv mit zu in indirekter Rede (infinitive with 'zu' in indirect speech) (1:58)
- Konjunktiv I & indirekte Rede (subjunctive mood & indirect speech) (6:09)
- Konjunktiv II, würde & indirekte Rede (subjunctive mood, would & indirect speech) (7:38)
- Modalverben im Konjunktiv II - Grundlagen (modal verbs in the subjunctive mood - basics) (5:39)
- Hypothetische Situationen & verpasste Gelegenheiten (hypothetical situations & missed opportunities) (8:55)
- Plusquamperfekt (pluperfect/past perfect tense) (6:02)
- Zukunftsvorhersagen & Annahmen über die Vergangenheit (future predictions & past assumptions) (4:24)
- Passiv (passive voice) (7:17)
- Zustandspassiv & Nominalisierung (state passive & nominalization) (8:14)
- Modalverben im Konjunktiv II (modal verbs in the subjunctive mood) (5:50)
- Modalverben im Kontext verpasster Gelegenheiten (modal verbs in the context of missed opportunities) (4:38)
- Modalverben im Passiv (modal verbs in the passive voice) (5:35)
- Modalverben im Passiv mit Konjunktiv II (modal verbs in the passive voice with subjunctive mood) (4:28)
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